Monday, October 25, 2010

B is for Baby, Busy, and Breastfeeing for couples?

The past few weeks have been go, go, go. Not only are we getting ready for the baby girl...but our social calendar has also been as busy as ever. Great fun, yes, but not for my swelling feet and hands. Sometimes I feel like the stepsisters from Cinderella at the end of the day trying to fit into that small glass slipper. My small feet have always been something that I liked...and I knew it was coming, but it is still shocking at the amount of swelling that actually happens. I'll leave that to your imagination and will not be sharing any "images."

However, I will say it's all been worth the energy and time we've spent with friends and family. This past weekend, my cousin, Stephen, married his sweetie, Cambridge, at my parents' farm. This is the same location where Jake and I got married. A very special place, where many special couples have been hitched. It's hard to believe that was almost 5 years ago for us...

The officiant at the wedding said something very profound and something that is so true to a marriage, and certainly true to ours. It's about getting from peak to peak, each higher than the next, but to get to each one, you probably have to go through a few valleys. I remember thinking that on our wedding day, I could never be happier...nothing would be better than this...boy was I wrong. As wonderful and perfect as it was, nothing compares to how we feel about starting a family. I know that the first sight of our sweet baby girl will be the next peak.

Back to reality of the work week...A few weeks ago, Jake and I decided to sign up for a few classes to figure out this childbirth stuff. Our first class was "Breastfeeding for Couples." I thought Jake was going to be pretty reluctant about this class...but he was probably more interested than I was. Knowing literally nothing about it, he probably actually learned way more than I did as well...which I'm counting on, when I have "new mom brain" and can't remember what I'm supposed to do. Either way, it was very informative and I'm so glad we took it...and did I mention it was free? St. Mary's (Bon Secours) has all kinds of free resources and classes, just waiting for uninformed, freaked out parents like us.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My feet were size 6 before Jed. 7.5 after Colleen. Some of the swelling just seems to hang length. Go figure.

You look fabulous. Glad it was a wonderful weekend and so glad Jake is a good partner.

We love you all!!! and are getting ridiculously excited.
