Sunday, February 20, 2011

Constant progress

The title of this post, as you may have noticed, has absolutely nothing to do with the frequency of our blog updates. It has lots to do with Allie Grace, however, who seems to be growing at an exponential rate. She is currently with her mommy in ashville, NC visiting with family, an I fully anticipate being blown away by how much she has changed once she gets home. Not all of her progress is easily recordable in blog form: her ability to hold her head up slightly longer than the day before, the way she tracks objects with her eyes, the way she has started to sleep over 5 consecutive hours starting this week (this is mommy's favorite type of progress), but we notice and appreciate each development. However, I would venture to say that the most dramatic change has occurred in myself and Kate. The night we took Allen home we were both a terrified mess. And while i won't say that we completely have it together now, each day we figure out a little bit more. Each day presents new challenges, and we will continue to grow with each change as it comes.

Below are three pictures, from Allie's first, fourth, and sixth weeks of life. My favorite is the middle picture, because I feel like the image of Kate tells a story of what we are going through. She is tired, but incredibly happy and completely in love. Allie, meanwhile, is just kinda hanging out (evidenced further by the third photo). Kate has really become an amazing mother (way better than she will ever give herself credit for).

I've also included a few videos from the vault. The first is a video of when Allie first came home and we introduced her to Tinsley. I call this one "you can't make a dog act like you want it to, especially if you are filming her"

The second is a video of Allie during "tummy time" that I entitled "Daddy needs to learn how to hold a video camera"

That's all for now. Til next time.



Unknown said...

Jake, good stuff.

jane said...

while your camera work leaves a lot to be desired, that baby of yours is pretty cute. i think she's a keeper! :)

Martha said...

Great update papa! I particularly enjoyed the licking haha.

Unknown said...

I love the video additions! Her little sounds during tummy time were so cute. Tinsley is pretty adorable as well.

Unknown said...

Tummy Time!!! Yeah!! All OT & PTs are cheering. Teachers would be...they just don't know about the connections to later skills. Yet.