Monday, January 10, 2011

A New Mom's Great Expectations

Hi Everyone! Sorry it's been a while! I'm here, alive and well...Who knew that caring for a newborn was tough stuff?! AND time consuming! We're getting into a little routine and we are for the most part, and getting on the same page with eating and we are anyway.

I did have a somewhat fairy tale idea of "bringing home baby." Let me just say that nothing will prepare you for your first couple of days at home. They are complete chaos. I've never felt so inadequate and unqualified in my life, as I did on New Year's Eve 2010 when we brought Allie Grace home. We got through it, with a lot of tears on my part... and now it is 2 weeks later...and I think we're adjusting pretty well.

There have been many unforeseen speed bumps. First speed bump was the C-Section delivery - the second...a staph infection that had the pleasure of showing up a week later in the form of a burst abscess in my living room. Thank GOD my wonderful mother in law, Mary, was there and remained very calm. Everything is going well with that now...and we are tackling the breastfeeding challenge every 2-3 hours. I wish I had known just how hard it is to get used to. Everyone says "it's the most natural thing in world...etc." But I am here to tell you it is not easy and doesn't feel that "natural." I know in my heart that the harder Allie Grace and I work at it, the easier it will be.

Other than that we are sitting tight, we have a lot of help and support...sometimes we are still in shock that this little bundle of joy is ours. She is a very relaxed, go with the flow baby so far, no doubt a trait she got from her father and not yours truly.




jane said...

awww! i've definitely heard the same sentiments from other new moms... allie grace is lucky to have you and jake as parents!

love you guys~! j+d

ps. not sure if i've sent you this already, but a friend of mine also has a new mommy blog:

Unknown said...

These pictures are wonderful! It sounds like you are doing great as parents!