Thursday, December 30, 2010

Baby Girl is BORN!

At 11:49 am on December 28th, 2010, our beautiful daughter Allen Grace Leffler was born. She was 8 lbs, 6 oz. at birth, and will go by Allie or Allie Grace. Time is at a premium right now, as most of our days are filled with visitors, breast-feeding, and trying to catch up on sleep in 2-hour incriments, so this post will be short on words but heavy on photos. All I will say that labor was incredibly difficult both phsically and emotionally, but our baby girl was worth every ounce of effort. We wouldn't have been able to do it with-out the incredible staff at St. Mary's Hospital, especially from our four labor nurses: Heidi, LeAnn, Kim, and Kathleen. We had 4 gaurdian angels helping to bring us this Christmas Baby.

More posts to follow shortly, I am sure.

- J & K (& A)


jane said...

Congrats! Allie is so stinking cute! Can't wait to meet her! Have fun in baby world! :)

Martha said...

I was doing ok until I got to the photo of Jake...then you. Ahhh! I'm officially crying like an idiot.

Unknown said...

She is SO beautiful!! She looks like an angel. Just a perfect little baby. I am so happy for you two (or three)! I can't wait to meet her!