Sunday, December 19, 2010

38 Weeks and Waiting

As we await Christmas and our new bundle, not a creature is stirring in the Leffler house. The past few weeks have been filled with taking care of all the final small items that we can think of. The nursery is done after we picked up the last few missing items (a diaper genie and changing pad). We started to wash the new clothes we've gotten (the picture above is us sorting her adorable little socks). We have the baby seat installed in Kate's car (I passed that man-test), and Kate has her birth-plan typed up and approved by her doctor. I have made two different labor playlists; one filled with calming yoga music and the other filled mostly with Taylor Swift (much to my mom's chagrin). We even finished Christmas shopping early (in case of a super-early delivery). Now, we don't really have much to do except wait and eat spicy labor-inducing food. Below is Kate doing the first of those things.

Hoping that your holidays are as happy and "relaxing" as ours has been so far.




jane said...

baby socks are so adorable... as is kate. good luck and happy christmas!

Unknown said...

waiting seems longer when you're waiting :).