Friday, September 17, 2010

The FIRST of MANY parenting lessons

We have not discussed this with many people...but 5 weeks ago, the day we found out we were having a little girl, we also found out that she had relatively large cysts on her brain. (They are called chloroid plexis cysts.) Most of the time, they are not alarming and are just part of the brain's developement. However, because of the size of the cysts, the specialist we saw was concerned, but did end up thinking they would eventually go away.

This is pretty much our first time in the medical field as "parents", we realized that doctors give you all the information and worst case scenarios for the situation at hand. These cysts had no good news that come with them...they were either going to dissolve, or not, and mean nothing, or be an indication that our baby girl had a lethal chromosome disease. (WHAT?!?) Though the specialist and doctors were very positive and gave of the 99% chance that the cysts were going to dissolve, hearing news like this is so very heartbreaking. As someone who likes to be in complete control of my surroundings, etc (yes, control freak, here)...for a few days after these appointments, I was devastated. I did cope with the information I had and put it away in my mind until we could find out more. By the way, I'm really terrible at waiting for something to happen. I have had many lessons in coping with anxiety in my life, and this one topped all others...Perhaps this was God giving us our first parenting never know what is in store for you and your family, you just have to trust it's going to be okay.

On Thursday, we had another appointment with the specialist and much to her surprise and ours, the cysts had completely dissolved, and the chloroid plexis was clear! Though we knew that was probably the case, a sense of relief certainly came over us.

Somewhere along the lines in my childhood/young adulthood, I developed "the worst case scenario" syndrome...I always prepare myself for bad news or for something bad to happen...It drives Jake absolutely insane. In my defense, I'm rarely disappointed. If there is a syndrome that's the exact opposite...Jake has that one. All I have to say is thank GOD for that...and maybe, just maybe, that is one of the reasons we are compatible.

Long before we knew we were about to be parents, we started watching Parenthood, on NBC (great show by the way)...I know being a mother is going to stretch my limits and make me a little crazy from time to time...or maybe ALL the time...who knows. Here's a clip that made us wonder, "Who will teach our Baby Girl to drive?" Considering my driving record and a few other things...we decided that Jake should... I'm sure there will be many moments like this...but we're looking forward to them...for now. (click on link below)

1 comment:

MayMay said...

Great stuff. Kind of real with the parenthood too :).