Saturday, August 21, 2010

It's a beautiful baby GIRL!

SO, on Thursday of this week, all of our intuitions about the sex of Baby Leffler were confirmed. It is DEFINITELY a girl...and we have lots of pictures to prove it. This means two things, someone owe's Jake some money (he makes small bets on everything) and that she already has us wrapped around her tiny little fingers. Here are some pictures!



The next picture is a game peek-a-boo. Those are 2 arms and 2 hands covering the face.

And, finally, here are the "girl parts" (nothing between the legs)...

We are looking forward to more ultrasounds, we will be getting more than most people because our doctor wants to keep an eye on a few things. It is definitely the coolest thing we've ever seen and we can not wait until she is here.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congratulations!!! I am so excited for you guys! The ultrasounds are so cool! I can't believe how much you can see already!